October 2004 SCPOCA Club Meeting Minutes
Fred Foreman proposed an afternoon drive on November 6th to Fayettsville for dinner and a visit to his buddy's historic Tavern. On the return trip, we would swing by Sealy, if not to late, to view the drag racing. Everyone in attendance was enthusiastic about the idea agreed that the 13th would be the rain date. Mark you calendars, more details will follow from Fred. While a combined trip to the car museum near Bastrop the morning of was discussed, it was deemed too ambitious. We agreed to make that another trip at a later date.
Fred also brought detailed chassis/frame pictures that he procured from PI, and a discussion on chassis stiffening opportunities followed.
The Treasurer's report by Steve Hawkins reported well over $5000 in the Treasury. Most likely the strongest financial position that the Club has ever enjoyed. (no motions were made for electronic equipment) I pointed out that at present, Space City was in the lead for the $250 first place award for submitted & printed articles to POCA.
We talked about the opportunity to get additional articles submitted before November 1st.
Jim reprised the idea of chronicling Tom Upton's racing preparation and adventures.
Jim will look into writing an introductory piece.
Rob West and Steve Hawkins also talked about getting a group together to attend the Big Bend Open Road Race in April 2005. Fred needs a trailer to get his car there. Could be a nice Pantera showing - You are making Michael Frazier proud.
The issue was raised about the Christmas Party; but, no one could recall if anyone had volunteered for 2004. If you would like to or have already volunteered, please raise your hand.
Following dinner, all six Panteras drove to the car show adjacent to Sonic off of FM1940. The crowd was excited to see so many fine Panteras. Coincidently, Billy, an old employee of Gray Gregory's and the individual who painted Gray's Pantera was there. He had just arrived from Tennessee? with a GM concept truck on a flat bed that he is going to paint. At 11:00, the sky turned misty and everyone broke for home.
Fun event.
Respectfully submitted in David Bell's absence. JT