Jack Tunnell's pics at TWS

Here's the first pics of the lineups we did with all the cars in front of the concession stand. Kinda' neat, eh? Check out all those silver cars!
From: Jack Tunnell 
Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 6:16 PM
Subject: TWS '98 early info and pics

I had a great time and so did Robin!  It's a very powerful experience to see
that many Panteras out with the people that they own.  Isn't that many big
cats together called a pride?  I wish I had signed up for the track time
instead of just lurking.  Mad Dog for POCA President!!   I got some
spectacular video of Dennis Quella and Mad Dog on the track that I showed
to a few people, but I accidentally recorded over it (bummer).

Jack Tunnell

Lineup number 1

Lineup number 2 with Mad Dog and Dennis Q in the front. Tough picture with so many cars!

Mad Dog's car in front of the group.

Mad Dog posing.